Search by Stone - Q - Z
Our alphabetical category for stones, minerals, rocks and gemstones beginning with the letters Q – Z.
Quartz (5)
Rainbow Moonstone (10)
Ramsbeckite (1)
Rhodochrosite (12)
Rhodonite (9)
Rhyolite (17)
Rockbridgeite (2)
Ruby (15)
Rutile (8)
Safflorite (1)
Sapphire (11)
Satin Spar (2)
Scapolite (2)
Schorl (9)
Schulenbergite (2)
Scolecite (3)
Scorodite (2)
Selenite (7)
Septarian (2)
Serpentine (8)
Serpierite (1)
Sharks Fossils (7)
Shattuckite (1)
Shiva Lingam (1)
Shungite (2)
Siderite (7)
Silicon (1)
Silver (1)
Slag (1)
Smithsonite (3)
Sodalite (10)
Sphalerite (8)
Sphene / Titanite (2)
Spinel (1)
Spodumene (4)
Staurolite (2)
Stibnite (4)
Stichtite (1)
Stilbite (5)
Stromatolites (4)
Sulphur (1)
Sunstone (7)
Tanzanite (1)
Tektites / Impactites (7)
Thomsonite (2)
Thulite (3)
Tiger Iron (2)
Tigers Eye (17)
Topaz (6)
Torbernite (2)
Tourmaline (49)
Trilobites (15)
Triplite (1)
Tufa (1)
Turquoise (2)
Unakite (6)
Unprepped Fossils (8)
Vanadinite (2)
Variscite (3)
Vonsenite (1)
Wavellite (4)
Witherite (1)
Wolframite (6)
Wood (3)
Woolly Mammoth, Mastodon, and Rhino Fossils (1)
Wulfenite (2)
Zircon (2)
Zoisite (8)
Containing just over 60 subcategories, our Q-Z category offers a wide range of minerals and fossils from Quartz to Zoisite.
This category contains some very well known pieces, quartz of all kinds, rhodochrosite, ruby, sapphire, tigers Eye, tourmaline, trilobites, and turquoise – some of the best known minerals and gemstones known to man.