Search by Stone - Q - Z
Showing 101–150 of 283 results
Quartz with Garnet inclusions (Smoky)
£50.00 -
Quartz with Hydrocarbon Inclusions
£2.50 – £10.00 -
Quartz with inclusions
£4.95 -
Quartz with Pyrite inclusions
£50.00 -
Quartz, faceted (Fluorite included)
£125.00 -
Quartz, Faceted (Smoky)
£1.95 – £10.00 -
Rainbow Moonstone bracelets
£1.95 -
Rainbow Moonstone Cabochons
£1.25 – £15.00 -
Rainbow Moonstone Cabochons (Parcels)
£5.00 – £10.00 -
Rainbow Moonstone heart carvings
£10.00 -
Rainbow Moonstone Specimens / Rough
£2.50 -
Rainbow Moonstone Tumblestones
£1.25 – £3.00 -
Rainbow Moonstone, Faceted
£4.00 -
Ramsbeckite, Serpierite, Linarite and Schulenbergite from Friedrichssegen Mine, Germany
£25.00 -
Rhodochrosite – polished slices
£8.50 -
Rhodochrosite and Quartz specimens
£18.00 – £35.00 -
Rhodochrosite Cabochons
£2.50 – £23.00 -
Rhodochrosite Features
£9.95 -
Rhodochrosite from Capillitas Mine, Argentina
£10.00 – £15.00 -
Rhodochrosite Tumblestones
£5.00 – £12.00 -
Rhodochrosite var. Capillitite from Capillitas Mining District, Argentina
£10.00 -
Rhodonite bead strands
£4.00 -
Rhodonite Bracelets
£3.95 -
Rhodonite Cabochons
£1.35 – £7.50 -
Rhodonite from Woods Mine, Australia
£5.00 – £6.50 -
Rhodonite necklaces
£5.00 -
Rhodonite Palmstones
£4.00 – £5.00 -
Rhodonite pendants
£1.50 – £2.50 -
Rhodonite Specimens / Rough
£2.50 -
Rhodonite Tumblestones
£2.50 – £4.95 -
Rhyolite bead strands (Leopardskin)
£4.00 -
Rhyolite Bracelets (Leopardskin)
£1.95 -
Rhyolite Cabochons (Kambaba)
£1.00 -
Rhyolite cabochons (Leopardskin)
£2.00 – £4.00 -
Rhyolite Palmstones (Kambaba)
£3.00 – £4.00 -
Rhyolite specimens (Orbicular)
£5.00 -
Rhyolite Tumblestones
£6.00 -
Rhyolite tumblestones (Leopardskin)
£2.00 – £3.50 -
Ring display stands
£2.00 -
Rockbridgeite from Cubos-Mesquitela-Mangualde, Portugal
£7.50 -
Rockbridgeite from Leonie I Mine, Germany
£10.00 -
Rubellite Tourmaline from Coronel Murta, Brazil
£5.00 -
Ruby in Pargasite from Mundarara mine, Tanzania
£3.50 – £5.50 -
Ruby in Zoisite Tumblestones
£4.95 -
Rutile in Hematite specimens
£5.00 – £10.00 -
Rutile, Hematite, and Rutilated Quartz from Novo Horizonte, Brazil
£250.00 -
Safflorite mineral specimens
£20.00 -
Sandstone arch
£20.00 -
Satin Spar Palmstones (White)
£3.00 -
Satin Spar Tumblestones