Inclusions are probably my favourite part of mineral collecting.
Essentially, inclusions are materials trapped within a mineral or a mineraloid during its formation.
These can take several forms, including liquid, solid, and gas inclusions.
Combinations are possible – known as two or three phase inclusions.
A two phase inclusion would be, for example, a liquid inclusion with a gas bubble or a piece of solid material in. A three phase inclusion would contain a solid, a liquid, and a gas.
One of my favourites are the organic inclusions within Amber, fossil plant and animal remains trapped within Amber forever like a frozen moment in time.
Showing all 31 results
Agate with fluid inclusions
£50.00 -
Amethyst Druzy with Goethite
£2.00 – £7.50 -
Amethyst Points with Goethite
£1.50 – £5.00 -
Anatase on Quartz specimens
£100.00 -
Citrine Points with Goethite (Heat Treated)
£10.00 -
Garnet in Aquamarine specimens
£45.00 -
Goethite on Quartz Druzy
£6.00 – £20.00 -
Included Quartz points
£5.00 – £10.00 -
Included Quartz specimens (‘Hilutite’)
£5.00 -
Phantom Amethyst points and clusters
£7.00 – £15.00 -
Quartz bead strands (Rutilated)
£5.00 -
Quartz Cabochons (Rutilated)
£3.00 – £9.00 -
Quartz cabochons (Tourmaline in Quartz)
£5.00 – £6.50 -
Quartz necklaces (Tourmalinated)
£3.95 -
Quartz obelisks (Rutilated/Smoky)
£12.50 – £15.00 -
Quartz obelisks (Rutile and Hematite inclusions)
£15.00 -
Quartz Points (Hematoid)
£1.95 -
Quartz Specimens / Rough (Rutilated)
£3.50 – £10.00 -
Quartz Tumblestones (Rutilated)
£2.00 – £4.00 -
Quartz Tumblestones (Tourmalinated)
£0.75 – £4.95 -
Quartz with Brookite Inclusions
£10.00 -
Quartz with Chlorite inclusions
£10.00 – £24.95 -
Quartz with Dumortierite inclusions
£3.00 – £10.00 -
Quartz with Fluorite Inclusions
£25.00 – £200.00 -
Quartz with Garnet Inclusions
£50.00 -
Quartz with Garnet inclusions (Smoky)
£50.00 -
Quartz with Hydrocarbon Inclusions
£2.50 – £10.00 -
Quartz with inclusions
£4.95 -
Quartz with Pyrite inclusions
£50.00 -
Quartz, faceted (Fluorite included)
£125.00 -
Tourmaline specimens (Black Schorl in Smoky Quartz)