Kelly Mine

Magdelena Mining District, Socorro County, New Mexico, United States of America

Kelly Mine is an abandoned mine in the ghost town of Kelly, which was once exploited for various metal ores, including lead, zinc, copper, silver, and gold.

Showing the single result

Kelly Mine contained a large amount of underground workings including three shafts and ten levels.

It was operated between 1878 and 1957.

The mine produces or produced a huge amount of mineral specimens – 74 confirmed species, including aldridgeite, aurichalcite, azurite, baryte, calcite, chalcanthite, native copper, goethite, native gold, hemimorphite, malachite, quartz, smithsonite and wulfenite.

The botryoidal smithsonite from this locale is a particular favourite amongst collectors, a gorgeous aqua blue-green colour in true botryoidal bubbly masses.


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