Coral Fossils – polished

Lovely polished coral specimens, with one polished side.


Polished Coral Fossils

Lovely polished coral specimens, with one polished side.

We don't have a great supply of these, so we don't do random selections. In this listing, the piece you're looking at is the one you'll receive. These coral pieces have fossilised, and then been cut/polished into a shape. The polishing really brings out the patterning of the ancient corals.

These are typically comprised of very soft minerals and will scratch incredibly easily - however, they can also be polished very easily, even by hand with some 1000, 2000, and 3000 grit sandpaper and a piece of leather with some cerium oxide or tin oxide.


  • #1 - 85.x25.8x10.6MM - a fantastically delicate and fragile piece with a vug of botryoidal growth, from Florida USA. Rings like a glass when flicked gently.
  • #2 - 107.6x103.6x24MM - a nice piece of British coral, which does stand up unassisted due to a cut base. Fluorescent, due to calcite or aragonite replacement of the fossil. Some saw marks are visible to the face of this piece, if you look closely.
  • #3 - 91.3x73.9x20.1MM - a nice piece of contrasting British material. This does not have a flat cut side so has to just rest on its slightly round bottom. Heh. Minor fluorescence in some areas.
  • #4 - 129.5x61.9x24.5MM - a nice piece of contrasting British material. This does not have a flat cut side so has to just rest at an angle.
  • #5 - 109.5x68.3x44MM - a nice piece of contrasting British material. This does not have a flat cut side so has to just rest at an angle. Brightly fluorescent.
  • #6 - 109.6x99.9x24.9MM - a nice piece of contrasting British material. This does not have a flat cut side so has to just rest on its slightly round bottom. Heh. Brightly fluorescent. It seems that fragments of another creature washed into this coral before fossilisation - honestly, they look like ossicles from a crinoid.
  • #7 - 85x66x27.5MM - a fantastic chalcedony replaced piece from Florida with lots of botryoidal growth.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 cm

#1 – 85.×25.8×10.6MM, Florida, USA, #2 – 107.6×103.6x24MM, UK, #3 – 91.3×73.9×20.1MM, UK, #4 – 129.5×61.9×24.5MM, UK, #5 – 109.5×68.3x44MM, UK, #6 – 109.6×99.9×24.9MM, UK, #7 – 85x66x27.5MM, Florida, USA


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