Minerals from Madagascar
This tag collects together all the current minerals we have in stock that come from Madagascar.
Below the product listings, I’ve gone into a little depth about mineral specimens from Madagascar – famous locales and specimens, and those that are most well known amongst collectors.
Showing all 18 results
Amazonite Specimens / Rough
£2.00 – £8.00 -
Apatite Specimens (Blue)
£5.00 -
Apatite Specimens (Green)
£1.00 – £3.50 -
Celestite druzy / geode fragments
£15.00 -
Celestite from Sakoany deposit, Madagascar
£5.00 -
Celestite Specimens / Rough
£3.00 – £5.00 -
Corundum Specimens / Rough (Blue/Sapphire)
£2.00 – £3.00 -
Corundum Specimens / Rough (Purple)
£2.00 – £4.00 -
Corundum specimens with trigonal growth patterns
£3.00 -
Epidote Crystal Specimens
£1.00 – £10.00 -
Fluorliddicoatite from Sahatany Valley, Madagascar
£35.00 -
Heliodor Specimens
£5.00 -
Labradorite Emma Eggs
£8.00 – £12.00 -
Labradorite from Antsohamamy labradorite quarry, Madagascar
£3.00 – £5.00 -
Labradorite Specimens / Rough
£4.00 -
Quartz Points (Hematoid)
£1.95 -
Quartz with Fluorite Inclusions
£25.00 – £200.00 -
Staurolite crystal twins
Madagascan mining tends to be done on a small, non industrial scale.
The exploitation of alluvial deposits of gold, and larger deposits of copper, iron, manganese, graphite, niter and pyrite is typically done by larger companies.
However, there is a belief amongst the Malagasy people known as ‘tany malalaky’, or ‘available land’, which leads to small scale artisanal mining, especially of gemstones and alluvial gold.
Perhaps this is what leads us to see so many Madagascan minerals and fossils available for sale.
Madagascar is very popular amongst mineral collectors, especially amongst collectors new to the hobby, as the minerals are typically accessible and relatively cheap.
The majority of the Labradorite available online, especially prized by the new age community, is from Madagascar. While there are sources elsewhere, Madagascar has very large deposits and the material is significantly cheaper and easier to source.
Madagascar is also well known for mid grade Corundum, Apatite and Emeralds, and large deposits of Quartz and rose Quartz. Some of the Quartz crystals found here are very good, too, and come with a range of inclusions including a personal favourite of mine – blue Fluorite crystals in Quartz.
For other specimens from Madagascar, see the links below.
Fossils from Madagascar - Minerals from Madagascar