Stilbite and Calcite from Dyer Quarry, USA

Small specimens of Stilbite and Calcite from the Dyer Quarry, PA, USA.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Stilbite and Calcite from Dyer Quarry, Gibraltar, Birdsboro, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA

Small specimens of Stilbite and Calcite from the Dyer Quarry, PA, USA.

One for collectors of fluorescent minerals, this.


We currently have a single piece in stock measuring 28.7x29.2x23MM.

It displays a pale pink under 365nm and a hot pink under 310nm, and a paler pink under 255nm.

It comes boxed with a label from a previous owner and our ID label; unfortunately, the box is not in good condition and this piece would benefit from a remount.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 5 × 4 × 3 cm

#1 – 28.7×29.2x23MM


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