Minerals from Norway
Showing all 16 results
Aegirine in Feldspar
£5.00 – £10.00 -
Amazonite Specimens / Rough
£2.00 – £8.00 -
Anatase on Quartz specimens
£100.00 -
Chrome Diopside from Gusdal Olivine Pit, Norway
£5.00 -
Dravite Tourmaline from Lysebotn, Norway
£10.00 -
Fluor-dravite from Bamble, Norway
£10.00 -
Forsterite from the Gusdal Olivine Pit, Norway
£5.00 – £7.50 -
Garnet Crystals (Almandine)
£1.00 – £5.00 -
Ilmenite from Svånes, Norway
£5.00 -
Lepidolite from Tordal, Norway
£3.00 – £5.00 -
Lizardite from Dypingdal serpentine-magnesite deposit, Norway
£5.00 -
Magnetite crystals in matrix
£4.00 -
Molybdenite specimens
£3.00 -
Orthoclase Feldspar specimens from Norway
£1.50 -
Rutile, Hematite, and Quartz from Kongsli, Norway
£20.00 -
Thulite specimens
£1.50 – £8.00