Pseudomalachite from La Virgen Mine, Spain

Specimens of pseudomalachite from La Virgen Mine, near Andújar.


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Pseudomalachite from La Virgen Mine, Andújar, Jaén, Andalusia, Spain

Specimens of pseudomalachite from La Virgen Mine, near Andújar.


This technically only regards specimen #1 and #4, but its worth considering for the others. 

This locale also produces fine specimens of Torbernite, a copper uranyl phosphate, and the matrix for these specimens does emit low levels of radiation (0.28usv/hr via Radiacode 2 @ 0CM) so it is likely there is some torbernite or meta-torbernite somewhere in this specimen.  I do not have an alpha capable counter to check those levels, just gamma/hard beta.

For that reason, this should be considered radioactive, and careful handling is recommended.

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 3 cm

#1 – 33.5x30x26.5MM, #2 – 23.3×21.8×19.9MM, #3 – 30.7x22x21.3MM, #4 – 24.8×21.2x18MM, #5 – 24.2×23.7×20.3MM


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