Ojuela Mine

Mapimí, Mapimí Municipality, Durango, Mexico

Ojuela Mine is probably Mexicos best known locale for mineral specimens, producing a huge range of minerals.

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The Ojuela mine produces fine specimens of adamite, paradamite, austinite, legrandite, wulfenite, mimetite, aurichalcite, and fluorite. The mine is the type locality for seven different species of mineral.

The origin of the mine can be traced all the way back to 1598, and eventually began shutting down around the 1930s. Nowadays, no mining continues, but tours of the mine can be purchased – and specimens from the site are available for sale.

According to Mindat, it is somewhat common for minerals from other sites to be described as being from Ojuela, and some man-made specimens are attributed to the localke too.


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Mexican locales


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Minerals from Mexico