Minerals from Mali

This tag collects together all the current minerals we have in stock that come from Mali.

Below the product listings, I’ve gone into a little detail about mining in Mali.

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Mali has a long and extremely interesting mining history. As of 2023, mining contributed to 6.3% of the Malian GDP, primarily mining Gold.

Gold, especially, plays a large role in Malian history. In the 1300s, Emperor Mansa Musa became the richest person to have ever lived due to gold and, particularly, control over gold trade routes.

A range of other minerals are extracted – bauxite, diamonds, iron ore, kaolin, limestone, lithium, manganese, and phosphates.

In terms of minerals for collectors, semi precious stones are collected in Mali but aren’t world changing – probably the best known are combinations of prehnite and epidote, and garnets – especially grossular and melanite.

Artisanal mining in Mali is common, especially gold panning and small surface works. An interview on this can be seen here; arguing that the artisanal works produce an economic benefit, but are bad for the environment.


For other specimens from Mali – including fossils and meteorites, if we have them, check out the links below:


Minerals from Mali