
Mineralogy is a branch of geology dedicated to studying minerals – the physical, chemical, and crystalline properties of the minerals and their origins.

This section is closely related to our gemology section.

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Mineralogy is the study of minerals, of course.

The most important part of any study isn’t the tools you own, it is the will to study and the knowledge you can gain. With that in mind, we do sell some books on mineralogy, but on most of the product categories on this site, we also link to further reading on the subject.

The number one site I recommend is mindat, the ‘MINeral DATabase’. It is one of the broadest collections of information related to mineralogy and geology ever assembled and is free to use online; well worth a look.

Books are great, and frankly essential, but I believe Mindat holds an edge on many of them, listing not only information about the minerals but also information on tens of thousands of locales around the world.

One day, perhaps I’ll be able to stock a wider range of tools for mineralogy – chelsea filters and other hanneman filters, perhaps.

We do sell some tools, mostly just loupes and UV lights, but they are very important tools. A loupe is a small magnifying glass which allows you to see closeup details of minerals, including small crystals and inclusions.