Calamites fossils

Unusual little pieces, Calamites are fossils of a form of plant similar to modern day Horsetails.

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Calamites fossils

Unusual little pieces, these are fossils of a form of plant similar to modern day Horsetails.

Calamites are a relatively common fossil in some parts of the world, and often come up for discussion in fossil identification groups and forums online.

Our current stock:

  • #1 - 50.7x49x29.5MM - a nice specimen from the Westphalian coal measures near Wigan, Lancashire, UK.
  • #2 - 107x64.5x23MM - a nice specimen from an unknown location in Scotland, recovered from a large mine dump. Detail only on one side.
  • #3 - 81x45x20MM - a smaller piece that unfortunately has some damage. Comes from an unknown location in Scotland, recovered from a large mine dump.

Image credit:
A reconstruction of 'Calamites' courtesy of Falconaumanni, via Wikimedia Commons.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 4 cm

#1 – Wigan, UK – 50.7x49x29.5MM, #2 – Scotland, UK – 107×64.5x23MM, #3 – Scotland, UK – 81x45x20MM


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