Orange River

Southern Africa

The name here is set up a little differently to other locales, as the Orange River area is an extremely large area which covers parts of Namibia and South Africa.

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The Orange River splits this locale in two, dividing Namibia and South Africa – the Ilkaras region of Namibia and the Northern Cape region of South Africa.

There is little to distinguish the quartz specimens from one side of the border from the other, and specimens will certainly have been collected from both sides – some are only labelled as “Orange River”!

Obviously, some specimens will be better labelled and will more available information.

The locale produces a range of specimens including diamonds, fluorite, hematite, and a range of types of quartz – amethyst, rose quartz, clear quartz and the iron-stained or iron-coated varieties known as eisenkiesel or red quartz.


Further reading


If you are interested in other classic Namibian locales we may have stock from the following locales.

Namibian locales


For the rest of our Namibian stock, see below.


Minerals from Namibia