Minerals from Malawi

This tag collects together all the current minerals we have in stock that come from Malawi.

Below the product listings, I’ve gone into a little depth about mineral specimens from Malawi – famous locales and specimens, and those that are most well known amongst collectors.

Showing the single result

As of 2024, mining accounted for 1% of the Malawian GDP.

Malawi is primarily known for the extraction of uranium and coal, and artisanal mining for gemstones and minerals.

There are several important minerals with planned exploitations including niobium and various rare earth minerals, which may help to considerably boost the mining sector in Malawi.

There are known, but unexploited deposits of monazite, bauxite, coal, vermiculite, uranium, graphite, tantalum, and rare earth minerals in the country which may be exploited in future.

For mineral collectors, the most well known locale will almost certainly be Mount Malosa, which produces fine specimens of a wide range of minerals, including some of the worlds best Aegirine and Arfvedsonite, often in association with fine feldspar, zircon, and smoky quartz.

Another excellent locale that springs to mine is the area around Ngabu, which produces extremely high quality Agates, often with contrasting red, white, and blue bands.


For other specimens from Malawi – including fossils and meteorites, if we have them, check out the links below:


Minerals from Malawi