Minerals from Iran

This tag collects together all the current minerals we have in stock that come from Iran.

Below the product listings, I’ve gone into a little depth about mineral specimens from Iran – famous locales and specimens, and those that are most well known amongst collectors.

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It is, of course, a little difficult to write about any modern mining in Iran. Iran is one of the most heavily sanctioned nations on earth and there are limits to what information is available, and how exports etc are affected by this.

Iran is one of the worlds most mineral rich countries, containing billions of tons of proven reserves of various minerals, including large deposits of zinc, copper, uranium, iron and lead. Despite sanctions, in 2019 Iran was one of the worlds largest producers of gypsum, molybdenum, antimony, iron ore, sulphur and uranium.

Mineral specimens from Iran are not widely sought after in my experience; although there are a range of interesting specimens from the country similar pieces can often be obtained from nearby locations that are not sanctioned.

Antique or historic minerals may be labelled as ‘Persia’ rather than Iran.

I have seen some excellent green Demantoid garnets from Iran, as well as fine Epidote – however, I think Iran is probably best known for its Turquoise, prized by the ancient Persians.



For other specimens from Iran, see the links below.


Minerals from Iran