
To refer to these fossils as belemnites is perhaps an oversimplification. When we refer to Belemnites, generally speaking, we are only referring to one specific part of the animal. The rostrum is the hard piece which generally fossilised, but this is the piece generally referred to as ‘a belemnite fossil’.
They are a very common fossil, found on almost every beach and seemingly, in nearly every gravel patch in the UK. In the UK, Belemnites are typically Calcite replaced and take a lovely polish.

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Information about fossil Belemnites.

Belemnites are a common fossil found worldwide, through the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

Specifically, the common fossil is a part known as the ‘rostrum’ – the soft pieces of the Belemnite rarely fossilise. The rostrum is thought to have been a counterbalance to the head of the squid, used during swimming.

As these pieces are found worldwide, they are of tremendous help to geologists; helping with the study of current direction, ambient temperature, and climate.

In the UK they can be found in the cliffs and on the beaches around Charmouth, as well as many other locations – even in household gravel, sometimes.

In Australia, opalised Belemnites have been found with gorgeous play of colour.